Running hubs targeting the UK’s urban homeless
We are a growing UK-based charity working with some of the most hard-to-reach communities in some of the country’s most deprived cities. Today, you can find us in London, Manchester and Leeds.

It was in a Kings Cross homeless hostel in 2012 that The Running Charity was born. Responding to the rise in youth homelessness and the demand for our services, we now operate in every London borough. Our success was highlighted in 2019, when two of our young people, Claude and Zamzam, received the London Marathon ‘Spirit of London’ award for epitomising the character and tenacity of what it is to be a Londoner.
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Our Manchester Hub launched on a cold, wet day in January 2016. But the weather did nothing to deter a group of brave young people from taking the first steps on a journey that over 300 others have since joined. Now supported by two full-time staff members and a team of enthusiastic volunteers, young homeless people across the region have embraced our programme and become part of the local running community.
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Word spread across the Pennines and inspired Yorkshire runner Liz Adams to start a programme in Leeds. After visiting the team in Manchester and recruiting volunteers, she worked with boundless enthusiasm to encourage a group of young people to start running at the beginning of 2020. Undaunted by the pandemic, the Leeds hub continued to support these young people with online chats and yoga classes until they could get back out running again.
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